Actually written 10/7/08
Kent Hrbek Outdoors is on Fox, FSN, and World Fishin Netwrk (Fox Sports Net-Wisconsin) in Madison.
The show is probably aired a couple of times each week, and most likely it
floats somewhat depending on what live sporting events they are telecasting.
Check your local tv listing for exact times in your viewing area. (The show
currently on air centers around former Vikings football great Chuck Foreman.) I
wrote about half the show, organized the and directed the shoot in the school,
and courtyard, as well as arranged Hrbo and Gis stand-ups in the MN Vikings
ship. (Not to be confused with the Vikings love boat scandal)
This coming week, we head to San Francisco and spend time in a wildlife refuge
and go Halibut fishing in the San Francisco Bay. I did not attend the San
Fran trip, but wrote the show. There is a focus on one MN company, (who just also happens to be a sponsor) where I have to walk the fine line between promoting, and making the show entertaining and informative. Love to hear if you
think I pull it off. This show has been sent out today, and begins it's airing
locally Sunday night at 10:30pm... Again check your local listings.
Thirdly, the plan I outlined in an earlier blog still calls for a volunteer army. I am exploring
the idea that like Switzerland, all Americans must do something for their
country. Military, peace corps, disaster relief, apprenticeships, etc... is an
off shoot of a two month manditory course on Americana. (Learn how to pay taxes,
run a mile, vote, get off drugs, etc...) then off to service for your country in
a variety of different programs. Perhaps to entice more men and women to choose
military service, there are greater rewards at the end of two years, to
compensate their potential bravery in support of our country.
Many if not all of these programs could and should be able to pay for themselves
over time. Start up costs would be immense, but so is giving Wall Street $700
billion and we as a country have no idea where that money will end up. (Rest assured, the rich will get
richer and much needed resources will be squandered)
I would like to see Barack stop playing the safe card. Sure he won last night's
debate, but he is staying so far away from risk right now, he could potentially
hurt himself in the long run. Part of his appear in the primaries was his
inspirational speeches, and bold vision. I know he hasn't lost that, but he
could lose some of the band wagon jumpers, if he doesn't speak with a bit more
passion during the third and final debate.
Laws (Justice)
Infrustruture (Roads and bridges)
National health care database (beginning of Universal Health Care)
2-year Civil Service
Flat-rate tax code, with tax breaks for working families and small business
Strong Humanatarian Military, not solely focused on national interest, as oil
will no longer be a national interest, see next piece to the plan.
Leaders in all alternative energy initiatives. (Will be the funding engine to
stablize and grow the economy)
Enhanced focus and funding for public education
Liberty for all!
What's so wrong with selling that to the American people?