Greetings and welcome to this here blog.
I'm new to the world of blog and hope to enlighten and entertain here in deejha''sWORLD
Let me first explain the name. It's a name, actually a spelling I gave myself, stemming from a nickname in college, when roomies, had consumed too much fermented mult beverages or smoked way past their bedtime. The very easy and condensed nickname of DJ wasn't enough, and at some point, with Jim Morrison playing in the distant din of the dorms, one hall mate turned DJ into a three syllable deeg-a-Ha. After awhile it somewhat stuck, I liked it, but no one had any idea of how to spell it. So I developed the spelling of deejha (with the "h" either silent or slightly enhanced).
Since, the word is pretty widely unused throughout human civilization, I took it upon myself to run with it, so here I am in the middle of the blog-world and it's what I've chosen to roll with.
A little other insight. I work in the media, mostly a producer, but I've spent time on both sides of the camera and behind the microphone. Being a jack-of-all trades when it comes to television production has enabled me to work on a bunch of different projects, and productions and currently I'm producing a local weekly series here in the twin cities featuring a well known sports celebrity. It's a fun gig, pays some of the bills, but with a mortgage, wife, three kids and all the other trappings of society, always got my eyes open for the next opportunity.
We live in the middle of great neighborhood. I didn't think so when we first moved into our 100 year old, 3 story Victorian... I thought it too much of a money pit, as one can sit in any room in the house and say, this needs work, or that needs work, but over time, the community, the neighbors, the friendships have made this house a home. My wife grew up in a similar house, on a similar street, in a similar town. (Actually the same town, about 1/2 mile away, but who's keeping track). But I grew up in the country; corn fields and cows, acres of woods and ponds and places to explore. My only regret here and with society today, it's hard to feel comfortable letting the kids; ages 12,9,7, go out and explore the world around them the way that I was able to. I was able to figure out how to carve enough room into the backyard of this city lot, to construct an ice rink, which I'll chronicle as the weather allows for it's construction this winter.
The cool thing, they have all found friends here in the neighborhood, as have we and that has made it so worth it in the long run. I guess it someone asked me "What do you do for a living?" I'd first answer be a part of this family. At this point in my life I find so much more satisfaction in that than the job. Money is a tool, not a means to an ends. Really; You only go around this crazy world once, and you can't take it with you. Of course due to this Bush economic downturn, I did get to experience the cost of downsizing and layoffs first hand and I must say, our country is ripe for a revolution. I hold out hope that we will find a way to reverse the course of the misguided right-wing, neo-conservative politics of greed. Our country has been high-jacked by a select few and that has crippled our great nation in so many ways, but I'll save the political rants for another day, and I look forward to discussing these political theories with anyone who cares to over time.
So welcome to this little slice of cyber-space. I'll be posting pictures, thoughts, observations and perhaps a few feelings along the way. Enjoy and please be a part of it, let me know your thoughts, give me feedback, let me know what you like or don't like and from time to time, I might even make it humorous.
Let the blog... begin... deejha