Friday, February 27, 2009

Recessions Suck

This just in... the world is in a recession. Economy's of all major countries are completely crap; jobless rates are headed through the roof, donations to charitable organizations are down, and the general mood of the day is absolute blah...

Alright, with all that being said, I've decided to try and write on my blog, (which nobody reads except Lucus... thanks girl, happy birthday again sweetie) and see if I can write my way out of my funk I find myself in today.

I successfully reached out to a person today at the University of Colorado Snow and Ice research center. They're the folks working on collecting data across the world about the state of global warming. More than anything I want to produce a tv series, in conjunction with the Nova, Discovery, Nat Geo and follow the researchers across the globe in search of answers. Make them stars, or heroes, instead of the entertainers and sports athletes we see too much of.

Obviously, global warming/climate crisis is in the news. But no one has any understanding of who's doing the research and who's finding the answers that we'll need to change the course we're on. If we curb fossil fuel consumption and carbon creation, and in turn design, build and implement brand new ways of creating energy, we can transform our economy and right the ship. If we can not, I fear the next generation will be forced to overcome enormous hardships and dwindling resources to carry on our way of life.

Let's face capitalism is dead, or at least consumerism as we now know it, should be. Fact: We only go around this crazy world once and I wonder now, whether my grandchildren will be able to?? That's why I believe it is imperative that we set our sights on creating a new directions.

Ok, didn't write myself out of the funk, but at least I got something off my chest.

1 comment:

Lucas said...

Great. Now I'M depressed. ;)

Actually, I am in a funk too but for other reasons. And I'm sure I'm not the ONLY one who reads your blog, am I? Anyway, writing is theraputic, so good for you. I hope you blog more often because I'm sure you have TONS of crap to work through right now for all the reasons you listed above and for 3 short little reasons especially.

But chin up Deeg. You don't have to solve all the worlds problems yourself. This too shall pass. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger and all that jazz. Essentially, just remember to love your family and keep on breathing and you'll be ok.

And love? If we are going to be friends, you've got to spell my name right, kay?

Love ya!