Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Back to the Search

Now the job search returns in earnest, but not before running out and purchasing some new fangled hardware for the computer to help translate camcorder video into a usable format... that's because mister big time TV producer didn't realize the compatibility issues between the camcorder and iMovie. So the Eldest's civil war Eyewitness News Special report, didn't get in on time and so that left me scrambling.

Also, had to replace a window on the first floor cause the lovely tried to break in the house cause that's where she left the keys... unfortunately, due to the fact that we had someone else actually break into the house and steal thousands of dollars of stuff, I've screwed all the 1st floor windows shut... so if one was to try and break in again, you'd have to break a window. Bingo.

Anyway, got that repaired. Got a visit with the genius at the Genius Bar. Decoded the video file to make it usable and now I'm hungry. Oh yea, the job search is just moving right along. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish up the revamped resume today... and then pick up my new DVD of sample projects I've produced, to hopefully land that next new gig.

Keep ya posted...


Lucas said...

Best of luck with the search, sir! Go out there and hit 'em with yer smarts! And if that don't work, just give 'em a wink and a smile. That ought to do the trick!

deejha said...

Maybe I should rule the midwest... gee wiz, you know, I can see Wisconsin from my house.