Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rink pictures

Future site of Rink... from Porch to Flower garden to back fence, to garage - 20'x40'
Stack of wood to be used to put up the 18" side boards
Putting up the boards... I pound 1x6 pointed planks about 6" deep into the ground and then screw the 2x6's into the support planks
Lucus and the Captain swing by to give mad props to the rink building

Future NHLer's - one will win the Vezina Trophy and the other will top Wayne Gretzky's total points mark


Lucas said...

Man! Dose are some good lookin' neighbors you got der fer sure! The kids, dey ain't bad either but dose neighbors, sheesh!

deejha said...

oh, yea, you betcha der. sure got some swell folk in the hood.